Terpenes give cannabis their unique smells and flavors. As a matter of fact, research studies nowadays show that they might also play a very important role for the particular effects of every strain, which is why we take a look at how they work as well as what they really are. 

What Are Terpenes? 

Basically, terpenes give the cannabis strains their own distinctive scent and flavor. Terpenes are actually considered as the aromatic oils that cannabis plants produce and that also make a strain taste minty or fruity, give it citrusy or earthy aroma, or can also make it smell just like cheese. 

As a matter of fact, cannabis plants tend to produce terpenes in exactly the same glands wherein they produce CBD and THC, but terpenes haven’t gotten too much attention until recently. Medical researches and growers in the past actually used to focused on CBD and THC that means the knowledge regarding with terpenes as well as their function is not too widely spread. And only recently has already come to light, which terpenes actually play a very important role when talking about the unique benefits of marijuana. 

Reasons Why Plants Product Aromatic Compounds Like Terpenes 

As it’s usually the case in the plants’ world, terpenes are actually one method how plants can be able to defend themselves from their predators. Through excreting a pungent scent, plants can be able to repel bugs, which can also attract the insects that can benefit them most especially for pollination. 

What type and how much terpenes a particular cannabis can be able to produce heavily depends of different factors. In addition to that, the same strain does not necessarily often produce exactly the same aromatic compounds. As a matter of fact, this can heavily depend on certain factors like the climate, what certain fertilizers and soil are being used, the plant’s age, and a few other things.  

Nowadays, studies have already discovered about one hundred different marijuana terpenes. Every particular strain actually has its unique terpenes combinations and types in various concentrations. 

However, the most interesting thing when talking about terpenes is that terpenes work with cannabinoids synergistically just like THC and not just because they are responsible for the multitude of cannabis’ aromas and distinctive flavors. Also, one certain indication for this is the fact that some strains might also have the same exact levels of CBD and THC, but their effects can also be different from each other.  

Furthermore, researchers today are now saying that it’s the terpenes that are primarily responsible for all the unique effects of a strain. 
How Terpenes Work 

We already know that THC basically binds to the receptors of our brain, which causes the cannabis’ psychoactive effects. Terpene can be able to affect those receptors of brain actively as well as including the way they work. As a matter of fact, terpenes have already been found to greatly influence the amount of THC that enters the human brain via the blood-brain barrier, making it really effective. This makes a good reason why you should buy terpenes